Beware of fake websites - we sell only through authorized retailers and

Ground Keeper Custom Partnership

Some people like bright, colorful bikes covered in polka dots. Some like their bikes subtle, with a single design ele...

Introducing the Gen 4 Hub System

It’s hard to say where our Gen 4 hubs will fit in the pantheon of other great generations, like the Greatest Generat...

AeroSet 1 & 2

With more builders, manufacturers, and riders asking for full internal routing of cables and brake lines, we are pro...

Original Cielo Mountain Bike

Between 1978 and 1982, about 25 Cielo Mountain bikes were produced in the original King shop. This is one of those fi...

2024 Color Assortment

With the re-introduction of Matte Mango, our color assortment has now reached 10 colors! Click on the image above f...

Matte Mango

In the old days, you had to stand there in front of the pile of mangos, squeezing one after the other to see which on...

Open House 2023 - Coming October 21st!

We are excited to announce that our annual Open House is happening in just two weeks! Join us at King HQ on Saturday,...

Breadwinner Lolo

This Breadwinner Cycles Lolo, built specially for the Made Bike Show, is a disc road bike designed to 'dance up mount...

No. 22 Road Bike

This Great Divide Disc build by No 22 bikes is an absolute showstopper with bright nickel cerakote and rose gold anod...

Onguza The Holy Fire

The Onguza Bicycles story is an incredible one, and we highly encourage you to read more about it on their website. T...

Bingham Built Gravel Bike

An incredible gravel bike from Bingham Built, with impeccable details and dazzling welds.

Victoire Cycles Gravel Bike

Another gorgeous bike from Victoire Cycles, with countless intricate details matched with utilitarian features like a...
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-Chris King Precision Components

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